Mid-June already! I’m happy to report that MY Neighbors has had a fairly seamless transition from the Pilot Program to opening to the public. As of this writing we have 35 Volunteers providing regular services to 33 Members (with three more new memberships pending). We oriented seven (mostly new) Volunteers at the end of May. Karin Rolett and Penni Powell recently oriented four more Volunteers to do Member Intake so we now have six people who can help us process new Members. With this new intake capacity we are scaling up our advertising around Yancey County. We’re looking for a Volunteer to help us distribute and restock MY Neighbors brochures to several spots around the county. If you would be willing to help out in this way please let us know. And thanks to the help of Debra Rice and Jenifer Morgan, by the end of next week we will be fully staffed with Call Managers for the first time since we opened.
Most of you know this already but our annual fee is $100 for an individual and $150 for a household membership. However the membership fee is not intended to be an obstacle to joining. We have scholarship funds available.
Given our Volunteer capacity and the pace at which we are receiving service requests, I believe we could expand to fifty members this year. So tell your family, friends and neighbors. Or if you know of someone who might benefit from our services, please call or email us.
June Event: Along with Yancey Hospice and Palliative Care, we are sponsoring a community screening of the documentary “Being Mortal” on Tuesday, June 27 at 6pm at First Baptist Church. (We appreciate Rev. Tommy James and the church for hosting us!) We’ll follow the 60-minute documentary with refreshments and a question and answer panel in the fellowship hall. Audience members can participate in a guided conversation on how to take concrete steps to identify and communicate end-of-life goals and preferences. This event is free and open to the public. Come join us! If you need help with transportation call or email us. For a full press release on the event visit the News tab on our web site www.myneighbors.cc
Make a Call: The Over the Counter Hearing Aid Act of 2017 is making its way through Congress. It has bipartisan support in both the Senate and House. Currently hearing aids cost $1500-2000 per device (almost everyone needs a pair). Supporters estimate that if hearing aids are sold over the counter the price would plummet to approximately $300 per device. You can read more about this legislation here. Please take five minutes to call Senators Tillis and Burr and Representative Meadows to ask them to support this legislation.
We are still looking for help coordinating social events. Too much work, not enough fun! If interested please let us know.
Thank you for your continued support of MY Neighbors.
Chip Poston
Board Chair