When you call MY Neighbors or get a call from us, you are talking to one of our "call managers." The person maybe different depending on the time but our call managers share an advanced computer and communications system and so have access to all your previous contacts and any issues you may have. That's how they can make it so that "One call does it all".
The call managers are the voice of MY Neighbors. They answer the phone in our “virtual office” and work together to operate our organization every weekday. We have no paid staff and no physical office so we can keep our budget moderate & fees low. Call managers have interesting and varied responsibilities and get to know our members and volunteers well.
Call managers work a four hour shift, usually at a regular time each week, and meet monthly to discuss members and their needs, share best practices and consider improvements to our process. They communicate with each other over our system and keep detailed logs of all actions taken. If you call when there is no one on duty, please do record a message as several people can respond to these, usually before the next duty shift.
On their shift, when call managers receive a request for a service they enter the service request in the system and contact a volunteer to make the arrangements. The request automatically includes special considerations that volunteers should be aware of (based on observations from earlier volunteers). We always phone the member to let them know when a volunteer has signed up for their service. We also check in afterward to see how everything went.
Call managers also respond to questions from the general public, providing information to potential members and volunteers, and confirm services with members after they are filled.
We have a small group of call managers and are always looking for more.